Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Thank you Julie Roys and Chris Fabry!

Thank you Julie Roys and Chris Fabry!

Passion can cause many results.  So many times, in my life passion about my ideals has caused me to be insensitive to the person I’m trying to share those ideals with.  You see a good discussion or debate is very exciting (to me).  It is for those reasons (passion and debate) the discussion that Chris Fabry (@chrisfabry) and Julie Roys (@reachjulieroys) recently had on Chris Fabry Live touched my heart.

You see their discussion centered around God, love, life, grace, law, and the future in an episode of Chris Fabry Live Titled Law and Grace at Graduation.
The reason for the discussion is timely and extremely relevant and the way they handled themselves should not be overlooked.  It is obvious that professing Jesus as their Lord and Savior and the display of their lives puts that truth in view for the whole world.  Examples of their love for both God and their neighbor include considering and giving light to how Jesus would have handled the subject matter at the center of the discussion.  Both Julie and Chris were respectful giving the other one time to speak their points. Both Julie and Chris genuinely wanted to hear what the other had to say on the subject at hand.  Praying together to end the episode.  Wow, thank you for displaying what a healthy Christian discussion looks like!

If you would like to hear the discussion please check out the recorded podcast of Chris Fabry Live on Moody Radio.