Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Creation...God Is Big Enough

In Response...

Today I had an opportunity to do some extra reading.  "Fun reading" you might call it.

Christianity Today arrived and the time to read it was here.  What would I read first?  As I began to look through the table of contents I was confronted and intrigued by the title of David Wilkinson's article, "Bigger Than We Think, The doctrine of Creation goes deeper than just explaining how the world began." 

In recent days the topic of Creation and Intelligent Design has on my mind.  Family, friends, social media, and now Christianity Today presented me an opportunity to think about how we got here.  Wilkinson makes 5 points in his article.  I would like to take a moment to list and affirm them here.

The first point Wilkinson makes is that the doctrine of Creation is never an abstract academic concept.  I completely agree.  Whether you are looking at Lake Michigan as I do from time to time as a Chicagoan or using the Internet to look at pictures of deep space, the evidence that intelligent thought went into what we are seeing. 

Wilkinson's second point is that the Christian doctrine of Creation has Christ at the center.  I completely agree.  Whether you read the account of Creation in Genesis 1 or John 1 Jesus is at the center.  This is further clarified by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians.  "Jesus is the image of the invisible God" chapter 1 verse 15.

The next point Wilkinson makes is that not only is God the creator but the sustainer of life and the universe.  God hasn't created and walked out.  He gave us his word as a way to live a healthy and purposeful life.  He still does miracles today whether it is the birth of a new baby or the prodigal returning to the fold. 

The fourth point Wilkinson makes is that God is the author of Creation and His own story which includes the redemption of human kind.  Just as the sinner who gives their life to Jesus experiences rebirth so the Earth will experience new birth at God's appointed time.

The fifth and final point Wilkinson makes is that through his creation God has given humans the ability to have an intimate relationship with Him.  God chose to create us and then give us an ability to share in the creation whether you are a farmer planting new crops every season or a teacher who is molding and giving children the platform to create ideas that will transform our world one generation at a time.

I agree with the author on each point.  Before God created the world He understood that Jesus would be our salvation and our way back into a right relationship with him.  Thank God for his amazing grace!  I pray that as I continue to look and investigate those things around me I wouldn't get so wrapped up into the math and science that I forget who gave me the math and science to prove His creation around me.

About me: I have been a Christian for 17 years and attribute the universe, earth, and life around me to God's design.

Thank you David Wilkinson for your article.  Thanks also goes to Christianity Today for publishing the article.

Author of CT Article: David Wilkinson, who is a professor in the theology and religion department and principal at St. John's College, Durham University.
Source Information:

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