Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Lov3 Experiment

Here are some truths about love that I have been taught since childhood.  
  • A smile toward a stranger can change their day.
  • The gift of time is one of the most costly and expensive gifts one person can give to another.
  • Words of encouragement to a friend cost nothing but have a lifetime of dividends.
  • Grace will teach, encourage, and motivate.
I rejoice when any one of the theses things happen to me and I'm even more blessed when I'm able to give some joy to another person on their journey.  Today I was blessed by one of my co-workers.  

You see I work in a contact (call) center environment for a fairly large corporation.  It was almost lunch time and a call comes through.  The person on the other end was looking for a supervisor but instead they got me.  They asked me if I would be able to assist them.  Thankfully I was able to assist them and I thought the interaction went well just as I had with all of the previous calls today.  Lunch time came and so I proceeded to go.  This afternoon is where everything changed.

My supervisor approached me with a document I needed to look over.  I looked it over and as I waited for him to leave he handed me our companies reward and encouragement certificate called a You ROCK award.  Printed on the document is the reason for the award.  The note mentioned the call from before lunch.  The very same call that if you had asked me about several hours later I would have trouble remembering because in my mind it was me doing my job.  Those words of encouragement from my co-worker, my supervisors taking time out of their day to present me the award WOW!  WOW!  WOW!  What an amazing blessing!  

What's the point?  So often I/we go about our day and the normalcy of 8 hours slips by without taking stock of all the goodness around us.  Please join with me.  Let's keep our eyes open to what God is doing and how He is moving gifts of affirmation and grace towards us and to those around us through us.

As a Christian and for my Christian brothers and sisters know this God has been intimately interested in your life since before your first birthday!

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

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