Sunday, June 1, 2014

Get This Off My Chest || Spoken Word (+playlist)

Theology Matters

Theology what is it? in their Cultural Dictionary defines theology as the disciplined study of religious questions, such as the nature of God, sin, and salvation.  That is some pretty heavy stuff!  I'm guessing if you are like me you may not have given much thought to theology.  That was me until I realized while casually sitting in my Connect/Sunday School class discussing different denominations and different religions.  You see being that there are so many expressions of what people call christianity as well as other religions like Mormonism, Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, etc... it has never been more important to know and understand what it is you believe.

Now you might still be dwelling on what I mentioned in the paragraph above.  Why in the world where they discussing other religions and not focusing on the religion they went to church to celebrate????  That is a great question.  We were discussing the Bible and specifically the book of Galatians chapter 5.  Galatians as a book is written to people who at one time believed in Jesus alone as their Savior.  What I mean is that the believers in Galatia proclaimed that there wasn't anything they could do to make their relationship with God (the God of the Bible) close or right. They needed a savior and the depended on Jesus' perfect life and sacrificial death on a cross as the payment needed for their offence against God.  Fast forward to when the book of Galatians reaches them and you will find that there was a group of people who were saying yes that's right you do need to believe that Jesus death and resurrection is a great start but you need something in addition to that to finish the job.  In the time the book of Galatians was written the specific issue was that of circumcision.  But fast forward 2000 years and it could be anything anyone wants to add to Jesus finished work on the cross as an add on.

Jesus plus religion isn't good news.  You may have heard the Gospel of Jesus called the Good News of Good.  The Good News is simply this.  God did what was necessary for people to be brought into a right relationship with Himself all by Himself.  There isn't anything any of us can do to add or make Jesus sacrifice better or more complete.  Face it, it doesn't matter when you began to look for God in your life, I'm willing to say that you weren't born seeking after Him.  How many of us looked to test what our mother, father, or adult figure wanted for us in our early life.  Why do you think it would be any different on a spiritual level.  If anything, it would be even harder to want and turn to God because you can't reach out and touch Him or interact with Him as you would another human.  And that's the point.  As a Christian the Good News is just that as a matter of Faith. 

As you read this I'm not sure who you are specifically or where you go to church or if you go to church.  I want to encourage you though.  Whatever you are currently doing or not doing know why you are doing it.  Don't take what I'm saying as the last word on Christianity or anyone else for that matter or if you are a Muslim, Mormon, or Jew know why you believe what you do or you may find yourself in a compromising when asked what it is you believe about Theology or how you define studying God.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Renewing Our Mind

“We must allow the Word of God to confront us, to disturb our security, to undermine our complacency and to overthrow our patterns of thought and behavior.”

--John Stott

Posted via Blogaway

Thursday, April 17, 2014

God Keeps His Word!

God will always fulfill what he says he will do in his Word.

“It is fashionable in some academic circles to exercise scholarly criticism of the Bible. In so doing, scholars place themselves above the Bible and seek to correct it. If indeed the Bible is the Word of God, nothing could be more arrogant. It is God who corrects us; we don’t correct Him. We do not stand over God but under Him.”

--R.C. Sproul

Posted via Blogaway

Friday, February 14, 2014

Original Love

The Original Lover of You and Me!

There are many thoughts this February 14, 2014 about Valentines.  In this text you won’t learn about the history of Valentine’s Day but rather His Story as it relates to you and me.
Did you know that before you were born God’s love letter to us states that He knows how we are formed?  Psalm 103:13, 14 proclaims that God was there for us loving us as a Father and that He the Triune God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit remembers how we were made.  Why???  Because He formed us and put the Breath of Life into our mother’s womb.

At this point you might be saying “Great” He was there from the beginning but I have to tell you the last few days have been really difficult and I’m not sure that He is still with me.  Another wonderful promise from God’s love letter to us the Bible communicates what Jesus said and is still saying today: “"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  The GREAT NEWS is that God hasn’t went anywhere.  God is a GENTALMAN and He is waiting for us to ask Him into our lives so that He can give us REST for our SOULS.  Now, I do have to add a disclaimer.  Your external circumstances may remain the same.  In the same love letter God tells us that this life will not be easy and that we should expect hardship but the internal peace and joy you will experience will be limitless!

Is this the first time you are reading this truth about God and His REEDEMING LOVE for you?  Then let’s take a moment to review the essentials.  I mean let’s face it you not going to marry someone before the first date.  You’re not going to sign up for a dating service without reading all the fine print.  Well are you???  I sincerely hope that you go into each relationship with your eyes as fully open as you can.
Now before we begin it is important to know who we are meaning God, me, and you. 
First, God is fully three persons; Father, Son, Holy Spirit.  Each has their own distinct personality and attributes.  Come to think of it, God was perfectly pleased before the creation to be in the presence of Himself.  God loved us sooo much that He didn’t leave His creation namely humanity alone but rather He sent the God/Man Jesus.   The Bible in the Book of Romans chapter 5 verse fifteen explains that Jesus was fully man and that through him the grace of God is available to all men. 
Second, Jesus died a very, very cruel death.  Imagine, Jesus’ clothes stolen, he was beaten, wearing a thorn of crowns forced to carry a wooden cross up a hill where then stakes were driven into his body so that he would be able to hand from that cross where in the minds of the executioners and judges he would breath his last breath.  It is important not to overlook the point that this is God fully God and Man who chose to be on that cross so it wasn’t the nails that kept him on that cross it was his love for you and me.  No longer would people be asked to make a yearly sacrifice to God in order to remain in relationship with Him.  As Jesus said from the cross; “It is finished” and that statement can be found in the Book of John in the nineteenth chapter thirtieth verse.
Third, O how everyone was surprised the third day after Jesus death on the Cross.  The tomb where he had been laid to rest was empty!!!!  Yes, Jesus was gone.  No you might ask, isn’t this where God leaves His creation?  Absolutely not, in fact, Jesus has made breakfast for Peter and some of His other followers on the beach.  This truth is found in the Book of John in the nineteenth chapter.   Amazing, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten breakfast with a previously dead person.
Forth, Jesus did return to Heaven, but He promised the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.  It is because of the Holy Spirit lives in a person who has committed to believe and follow Jesus that we can be encouraged.  And this is really where the rubber hits the road.  You see if you believe all that we have discussed in these four points but you choose not to follow Jesus and His words as they are recorded in His Bible then you will not be counted as a person who loves him.  Think about it.  When you are single and you like someone you don’t continue to like that person on a deeper level unless you are in communication with that person.  The same is true with our relationship with God.  It only works when we are in relationship with Him.  I will say it again.  Being a Christian, follower of Jesus, means you are in relationship with Him not the aloof, see you some time relationship but the kind of relationship where He is the first person you want to speak with in the morning and the last person you want to speak with before you go to sleep.

As I wrap this post up, my hope and my prayer for all those who read it is that they will be encouraged.  Encouraged to either walk more closely with Jesus as they are reminded all that He did for them personally or that as a person who has never heard this before you are interested in praying to God asking Jesus to be the sacrifice you needed to be close to God once and for all.  Now if you have made that choice, please, please, get into contact with Jesus’ family.  What is that family, those are people just like you who have trusted in the Bible and Jesus as the only way to God.  Not adding one thing like a catalog requiring you to do countless things after trusting in Him and committing to follow Him.  So, contact me, I would love to rejoice with you on your new life and commitment, in addition to helping you find a place where you can be with other people who will celebrate and encourage you also.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Color Your World

Writing in Marker Instead of Pencil

How many people have you had contact with today?  Do you know?  More than likely if you were out of your living space you have interacted with more people than you think.  Scratch that thought, if you are on any type of social media platforms you can raise the number of people you interact with in a moment’s notice without leaving your home.  So, in your life are you writing in permanent marker or pencil?  It makes a great difference. 

“What difference does it make?” you might be asking yourself.  In my mind there are no such things as random or chance meetings.  Yes, I believe that there is a reason for each and every person in your life today.  Acknowledging them, simply glancing at them, having a conversation in an elevator with them, cutting them off in traffic, or living with them makes no difference you have left a painted their life.

In the first example you may have been crossing the street and as you are going east a person is coming toward you going west.  Did you smile, keep a straight face, give them a look of indifference?  Let’s go back to your time on the elevator today.  When you saw the door open and someone either left the elevator or joined you on the elevator.  What was your expression then?  Were your arms crossed in a sign that denotes you are deep in thought so please don’t bother me?  Or were you open glancing giving the other person a smile?  Moving in traffic, where you either cut someone off by accident or intentionally or maybe the situation is reversed you were cut off by accident or intentionally.  What was your body, facial, spoken language at that time?  And finally, maybe you live with someone who leaves for work before you do.  Likewise, they may go to school, no matter where they were going what was the interaction like?

In all of the above examples, writing in pencil means that the interaction can be as easily forgotten as it can be remembered.  Writing or better yet coloring in permanent marker gives us each the opportunity to help that person have a better day filled with grace and love or the opposite might be true.

This question resonates with me in a fantastic way as I write to you today.  Several times my life has been colored with beautiful colors.  For example, my wife and I have been engaging with a new church after having moved many miles.  The people have been great the colors so vibrant I would like to call them family instead of just people in my life.  In addition, today my wife was in the hospital today.  We were met with many different people of different professions.  From the greeters, the administrative staff, nurses, and doctors.  Again our lives were colored with very vibrant colors.  Our lives are better for having them in our lives and our experiences were much better of course as you might expect. 

In all of these interactions, I am left in awe of a God who created the Universe and who cares for you and me and puts people in our lives for a reason. 

Color in vibrant permanent marker you will find that those around you will be left with a beautiful picture and the colors will even spill on to your canvas and you will be left with a beautiful picture as well.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The most important person I've met!

The Character & Nature of God
Theology.  What is it?  Theology is the study of God. 
My wife Mary and I have been married since 1996.  Through the years we have gotten to know each other pretty well.  As an example today we were talking to someone about names.  I was apologizing to someone for having called them by a wrong name.  They were very gracious and said that’s fine they will answer to almost anything.  In stereo, Mary and I chimed “Just don’t call you late for dinner?”  Yes, we can finish the one another’s sentences and at times thoughts.  While this is true of Mary and I it will never be true of my relationship with God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as the Word of God clearly states in Isaiah 55:8.  We can through God’s Word the Bible begin to understand who He is and what His nature is.  I’m going to point out an event and use a story that Jesus told to illustrate God’s character and nature.
First, God’s desire for humanity has always been fellowship.  Please recall the events in the Garden of Eden.  God created Adam and stayed with him until a helpmate was created in Eve.  After the two were created God walked and talked with them.  You might remember Adam knew it was God who was looking for him after he and his wife had compromised their promise not to eat of the Tree of Life.  That knowledge or realization would only have been possible because there were other times Adam had heard God and he didn’t run from him.  God continues to desire relationship with Him and while we won’t hear Him walking down the street we can hear him through the pages of the Bible. Those who read the Bible and seek God with their whole heart will find Him.  In addition, God gives the reader grace, peace, and hope as only a true and intimate friend can.
Second, God is truth and understanding, you can call Him the Light because lies and corruption don’t stand a chance where God is present.  God continually shows humanity who He is with parables like the wayward son.  To summarize the son described in this story isn’t happy living at home.  His father is a man of a lot of money.  The son says, “Hey dad, I don’t want to wait until you die to get the money you will leave me.  Can you give me the money now and by the way, I’m going to split and check out what the world has to offer.”  It breaks his heart but the father gives the son what he has asked for in both money and freedom to leave.  Isn’t that God?  God allows things to happen, even those things that break His heart in order to further develop our relationship with him.  You may remember after years of living in quote unquote freedom the wayward son returns.  He know knows all the ways that the father has loved him and he is ready to become his servant because he knows he has failed miserably as a son.  The father rushes out of the house not letting him even get to the door and celebrates his return.  The good news is that God does the same for those who return to him after their try at freedom.  God wants to have a genuine relationship with humanity.  God knows that time outside of his presence will bring pain and heart ache, but he also knows we will not fully comprehend that unless we are allowed to stray.  So, does God wish us all to stray in order to have a deeper relationship with Him?  No, No, and No again I tell you.
Think about all the comforts we forgo when we choose to live a life outside of God’s presence.  Just like the wayward son who ran out of his father’s resources and found himself broke and without hope for his next meal, we too are broken and without hope of a life after death without God.  In addition, we pick up mud and grime as we walk away from God.  As mentioned earlier God is light and no darkness is found in Him so God cannot allow us to be dirty in His sight.  Think about it.  Let’s say you just cleaned your favorite spot whether that is your room, home, car, or office.  Some who just stepped through sewer smelling mud walks in and wants to have a conversation.  Our first response is going to be “Go was up and come back when you’re clean.”  That is God’s response as well.
If you have been reading this and know that you have been places that God could never be and you are smelling the consequences of those travels call out to Jesus.  Jesus took the judgment on the cross for all of humanities wayward walks from Him.  Jesus is the only way back.  Jesus is the path and the light that the wayward son found to get him back to his father.  Likewise we can find our way to the Heavenly Father through Jesus sacrifice on the cross and the teachings that are found in the Bible.
In conclusion God is a gentleman.  He will allow us to make mistakes and He is willing to take us back when we are ready to commit to him completely.  Just as the wayward son was ready to live in the riches of his father’s house and disown all of the traps of his life outside of the home when we come to God ready to live in His house under His guidance (the Bible), and forget about all the other traps this world has to offer then relationship is restored.  The great news of the Gospel is that we return to fellowship in this life but also in the one to come. 

Not convinced?  Please I urge you to take time to do Theology.  Spend time reading God’s Word the Bible and talking to Him via prayer.  It is something all of us including this writer can do more of in order to take full comfort in the relationship I have with God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Modern day Garden?

Is it possible to re-enact the Garden Experience from Genesis 3 again in 2014?

Do you think it is possible this modern day of 2014 to relive the Garden experience as Adam and Eve did?  I think the answer may surprise you.  Yes, as it happened to me last night and each time I’m confronted with a choice to do the right / healthy option or to pick one that isn’t.  Let me describe to you what happened.
I spent the day enjoying the Word of God at church through preaching, teaching, and worship.  It was really a wonderful day.  Then it happened.  I was literally not a few feet away from the wonderful experiences of the day when I was confronted by a box of cookies.  I must confess these weren’t ordinary cookies.  These cookies were fresh from the store chocolate chip cookies.  The box of cookies in and of themselves were a harmless sweet treat.  So what went wrong????
You might remember in Genesis 3 Adam and Eve were walking through the Garden when they came across the one tree that God had told them not to eat of.  What were they doing so close to it?  Why were the cookies in my house?  And then it happened.  Adam and Eve took their mind off of God and began to examine the possibilities.  It didn’t help them that along with this really great looking fruit there was the Serpent.  The Serpent asked them to hedge around the truth of what God had commanded.  “You will not certainly die” from verse 4.  The cookies while they are sweet will not make you unhealthy, you may need to do a little extra walking that’s all.  The cookies are so small and tasty.  Just like Adam and Eve the minute I took my eyes off of God and the truth which is more than a serving of cookies really will make me unhealthy I had hurt my relationship with God.  You see I believe that God knows everything.  That my present and future are in God’s memory.  That being said I forfeited the closeness with God by finishing the box of cookies last night. 
Now you might be thinking, Larry, that is really said.  Are you worried about God being mad at you?  Taking away your health?  Striking you with lightning at any point today?  The answer is no.
How can you be so confident that you haven’t ruined your relationship with God forever?  There is only one reason, and that reason comes by way of my Savior Jesus Christ.  You see I’m not perfect.  I will try not to hurt my relationship with God by eating too many cookies again but the truth is I might.  And the disobedience that God sees in me has already been dealt with on the Cross at Calvary.  You see when Jesus was on the cross God put the penalty of my disobedience on him.  If I were to die today and stand before the almighty God and was asked ‘Larry, why should I let you into heaven?’ the only answer I can give is that Jesus paid the price for me.  Romans 5:8, Romans 3:25, Hebrews 2:17, 1 John 2:2, and 1 John 4:10.

As you read this today I hope you’re not shocked to find out that I’m not perfect!  But instead I write this to you as an encouragement.  It might not be cookies that have caused you or someone you know to lose sight of God.  Truthfully it doesn’t matter what it is.  But as I’ve said this should be an encouragement to you.  Please if you haven’t done so please confess your disobedience to God, tell Him that you would love to start over, to have a mulligan, and to experience re-birth.  Acts 4:12  I’m not sure how it happens but I do know that when we confess our sin and admit to God that Jesus is the only way back into relationship with Him we are granted the Holy Spirit to come live in our hearts and minds and nothing is the same.  All past, present, and future disobedience has been paid for by what Jesus did on the cross.  You and I are finally free to live by the Holy Spirit and seek after what pleases Him.