Friday, February 14, 2014

Original Love

The Original Lover of You and Me!

There are many thoughts this February 14, 2014 about Valentines.  In this text you won’t learn about the history of Valentine’s Day but rather His Story as it relates to you and me.
Did you know that before you were born God’s love letter to us states that He knows how we are formed?  Psalm 103:13, 14 proclaims that God was there for us loving us as a Father and that He the Triune God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit remembers how we were made.  Why???  Because He formed us and put the Breath of Life into our mother’s womb.

At this point you might be saying “Great” He was there from the beginning but I have to tell you the last few days have been really difficult and I’m not sure that He is still with me.  Another wonderful promise from God’s love letter to us the Bible communicates what Jesus said and is still saying today: “"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  The GREAT NEWS is that God hasn’t went anywhere.  God is a GENTALMAN and He is waiting for us to ask Him into our lives so that He can give us REST for our SOULS.  Now, I do have to add a disclaimer.  Your external circumstances may remain the same.  In the same love letter God tells us that this life will not be easy and that we should expect hardship but the internal peace and joy you will experience will be limitless!

Is this the first time you are reading this truth about God and His REEDEMING LOVE for you?  Then let’s take a moment to review the essentials.  I mean let’s face it you not going to marry someone before the first date.  You’re not going to sign up for a dating service without reading all the fine print.  Well are you???  I sincerely hope that you go into each relationship with your eyes as fully open as you can.
Now before we begin it is important to know who we are meaning God, me, and you. 
First, God is fully three persons; Father, Son, Holy Spirit.  Each has their own distinct personality and attributes.  Come to think of it, God was perfectly pleased before the creation to be in the presence of Himself.  God loved us sooo much that He didn’t leave His creation namely humanity alone but rather He sent the God/Man Jesus.   The Bible in the Book of Romans chapter 5 verse fifteen explains that Jesus was fully man and that through him the grace of God is available to all men. 
Second, Jesus died a very, very cruel death.  Imagine, Jesus’ clothes stolen, he was beaten, wearing a thorn of crowns forced to carry a wooden cross up a hill where then stakes were driven into his body so that he would be able to hand from that cross where in the minds of the executioners and judges he would breath his last breath.  It is important not to overlook the point that this is God fully God and Man who chose to be on that cross so it wasn’t the nails that kept him on that cross it was his love for you and me.  No longer would people be asked to make a yearly sacrifice to God in order to remain in relationship with Him.  As Jesus said from the cross; “It is finished” and that statement can be found in the Book of John in the nineteenth chapter thirtieth verse.
Third, O how everyone was surprised the third day after Jesus death on the Cross.  The tomb where he had been laid to rest was empty!!!!  Yes, Jesus was gone.  No you might ask, isn’t this where God leaves His creation?  Absolutely not, in fact, Jesus has made breakfast for Peter and some of His other followers on the beach.  This truth is found in the Book of John in the nineteenth chapter.   Amazing, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten breakfast with a previously dead person.
Forth, Jesus did return to Heaven, but He promised the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.  It is because of the Holy Spirit lives in a person who has committed to believe and follow Jesus that we can be encouraged.  And this is really where the rubber hits the road.  You see if you believe all that we have discussed in these four points but you choose not to follow Jesus and His words as they are recorded in His Bible then you will not be counted as a person who loves him.  Think about it.  When you are single and you like someone you don’t continue to like that person on a deeper level unless you are in communication with that person.  The same is true with our relationship with God.  It only works when we are in relationship with Him.  I will say it again.  Being a Christian, follower of Jesus, means you are in relationship with Him not the aloof, see you some time relationship but the kind of relationship where He is the first person you want to speak with in the morning and the last person you want to speak with before you go to sleep.

As I wrap this post up, my hope and my prayer for all those who read it is that they will be encouraged.  Encouraged to either walk more closely with Jesus as they are reminded all that He did for them personally or that as a person who has never heard this before you are interested in praying to God asking Jesus to be the sacrifice you needed to be close to God once and for all.  Now if you have made that choice, please, please, get into contact with Jesus’ family.  What is that family, those are people just like you who have trusted in the Bible and Jesus as the only way to God.  Not adding one thing like a catalog requiring you to do countless things after trusting in Him and committing to follow Him.  So, contact me, I would love to rejoice with you on your new life and commitment, in addition to helping you find a place where you can be with other people who will celebrate and encourage you also.

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