Thursday, February 13, 2014

Color Your World

Writing in Marker Instead of Pencil

How many people have you had contact with today?  Do you know?  More than likely if you were out of your living space you have interacted with more people than you think.  Scratch that thought, if you are on any type of social media platforms you can raise the number of people you interact with in a moment’s notice without leaving your home.  So, in your life are you writing in permanent marker or pencil?  It makes a great difference. 

“What difference does it make?” you might be asking yourself.  In my mind there are no such things as random or chance meetings.  Yes, I believe that there is a reason for each and every person in your life today.  Acknowledging them, simply glancing at them, having a conversation in an elevator with them, cutting them off in traffic, or living with them makes no difference you have left a painted their life.

In the first example you may have been crossing the street and as you are going east a person is coming toward you going west.  Did you smile, keep a straight face, give them a look of indifference?  Let’s go back to your time on the elevator today.  When you saw the door open and someone either left the elevator or joined you on the elevator.  What was your expression then?  Were your arms crossed in a sign that denotes you are deep in thought so please don’t bother me?  Or were you open glancing giving the other person a smile?  Moving in traffic, where you either cut someone off by accident or intentionally or maybe the situation is reversed you were cut off by accident or intentionally.  What was your body, facial, spoken language at that time?  And finally, maybe you live with someone who leaves for work before you do.  Likewise, they may go to school, no matter where they were going what was the interaction like?

In all of the above examples, writing in pencil means that the interaction can be as easily forgotten as it can be remembered.  Writing or better yet coloring in permanent marker gives us each the opportunity to help that person have a better day filled with grace and love or the opposite might be true.

This question resonates with me in a fantastic way as I write to you today.  Several times my life has been colored with beautiful colors.  For example, my wife and I have been engaging with a new church after having moved many miles.  The people have been great the colors so vibrant I would like to call them family instead of just people in my life.  In addition, today my wife was in the hospital today.  We were met with many different people of different professions.  From the greeters, the administrative staff, nurses, and doctors.  Again our lives were colored with very vibrant colors.  Our lives are better for having them in our lives and our experiences were much better of course as you might expect. 

In all of these interactions, I am left in awe of a God who created the Universe and who cares for you and me and puts people in our lives for a reason. 

Color in vibrant permanent marker you will find that those around you will be left with a beautiful picture and the colors will even spill on to your canvas and you will be left with a beautiful picture as well.

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